Our Proud Bobcat Family

Testimonials from TXST Faculty and Staff

“The Texas State Bobcat community really does feel like a Family. I have felt that since I was a student here long ago and it is a big reason why I returned to work here. The past 2 years have proven this even more. Despite being hard on all of us, we have worked together, helped each other, and given back to the community through the Family Campaign and other programs.”


Alan Treadwell       
Programmer Analyst II​​​​​​, Mobile/Web Systems

Alan Treadwell

"I love the small-town feel of Texas State and the culture of caring about individuals, even though we are a large and spread-out community with 2 campuses. I am proud of the support we provide to students, especially first-generation students, students from marginalized communities, and veterans. I feel like I make a difference nearly every day working at Texas State.”


— Janet Bezner 
Chair and Professor, Department of Physical Therapy

Janet Bezner

"I love what Texas State stands for and how they do their best to support everyone. I have been a student and am currently a staff member.  From when I first came here in 1991 to today, what great changes have occurred! I feel supported and important as a staff member.  We have been through a lot in the past 20 years.  I love the diversity of our campus with not only the students but the faculty and staff as well.  It is a great day to be a Bobcat!”


— Barbara Hurtado 
Accountant I​​​​​​, Information Technology Business Services (ITBS)

Barbra Hurtado

“I am proud to be a member of the Bobcat Family.  This community has embraced me with open arms and if there is anything that I can do to help a fellow Bobcat I will.  I believe in being the change that I want to see in the world, and I think it starts by being selfless and doing all that we can do to contribute to the betterment of mankind.”


— Terrence Johnson 
Head Coach, Men's Basketball 

Terrence Johnson

“My nine years at Texas State University include 5 years as an undergraduate Anthropology & Sociology major during the 1980s as well as an X-country and Track & Field athlete. I was thrilled to be able to return to Texas State as a professor in 2017. As a loyal supporter of Texas State, my enthusiasm just keeps growing. I owe my career choices to Texas State, and I can see that the university continues to impact students in important ways, from academics to athletics and everything in between.”


— Dr. Jill Pruetz
Professor, Department of Anthropology

Jill Pruetz

“Texas State University students inspire me. I invest in the Bobcat Family because I believe in investing in the lives of people who are working to improve themselves and the world around them.”


— Stephanie Solansky
Associate Professor, Department of Management

Stephanie Solansky

“Having been an educator for over a decade, I can confidently say that nothing makes me prouder than to watch our students grow and continue to exceed expectations. To watch as their academic ambitions develop is priceless and to be a crucial part of it—to guide and nurture it is even more priceless to me. I see it as our responsibility to invest in these ambitions.”


— Dr. Yoo-Jae Kim
Professor, Department of Engineering Technology

Yoo-Jae Kim

Texas State has allowed me to engage with students in a way that changes lives. Working with a number of different student-led initiatives, a student-focused staff, and amazing student leaders have continually reinforced the potential of students and the realization that they make a difference every day. Students have an opportunity to impact their fellow Bobcats that moves beyond the campus to their world as they graduate. This inspires me!


— Lanita Legan
Associate Director, LBJ Student Center

Lanita Legan

“I love teaching first-generation students and finding their strengths and passions to help set them on a path to success. With the right encouragement and strategic help, they can really become strong leaders and scholars. With the help of my wonderful colleagues in music, we have been able to guide students to incredible success such as graduate study at ivy league institutions or teaching at the university level.”


— Daris Hale
Senior Lecturer, School of Music

Daris Hale

"Nothing makes me prouder than to see our students, particularly those I have had the pleasure to teach, make an impact not only in their professions but in their communities. It's gratifying to hear them reflect on their time at Texas State and express thanks for helping, mentoring, advising, or guiding them through good times and challenging times. How does one place a dollar amount on their personal growth and memories? These priceless years for every student demand our further investment."


— Charles Kaufman
Senior Lecturer, School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Charles Kaufman

"I am grateful that I am able to give back what people, in this state (Texas), gave me years ago when I finished my Ph.D. degree. Without the generosity of the people, I doubt that I will be able to reach my career dreams. Therefore, being part of the Bobcat family, I am happy that I am able to support making a difference in people's lives, and help them set a path to success. I believe human beings need to hold each other's hands in this life and be united."


— Weam Al-Tameemi
Lecturer, Department of Mathematics

Weam Al-Tameemi

“One of the main things I love about this university is that it is student-focused. Student success, in all aspects of life, is front and center. Students in our fine arts programs are typically hard-working, brilliant, and supportive humans. It is a joy to work with them and watch them blossom.”


— Lynn Brinckmeyer
Professor, School of Music

Lynn Brinckmeyer

“In 2017, I became a proud Bobcat. Immediately, I was mesmerized by the beautiful architecture, and environmentally well-maintained, green, clean campus. The energy, excitement, and motivation of the students wanting to learn are heartwarming and make the university such a positive and fulfilling place to work. The faculty, staff, and leadership are polite and foster the mission and values of Texas State University. Each day, I feel fulfilled that my work makes a difference for the better good.”


— Irene Ochwat
Senior Administrative Assistant, 
VP Office of Information Technology

Irene Ochwat

“One of the luckiest things in my life is joining the Bobcat Family in 2019. As a young professional, I enjoy the research atmosphere and feel so grateful for all the support from the University. I also love teaching and spending wonderful time with the students who showed me the shining future of engineering in the US. I feel I am at home with peace and joy. I will dedicate my passion to our Bobcat Family and look forward to seeing the tremendous growth of our Bobcat Family.”


— Dr. Xiaohua Luo
Postdoctoral Scholar, Ingram School of Engineering

Xiaohua Lou

“I love the passion and excitement of the faculty at Texas State.  They are committed to student success and want to graduate students who will make an impact on the world surrounding them. When I look around, I see our graduates making a difference. Whether on the front line of the pandemic or looking for cures in the laboratories, our graduates are some of the finest in the nation and I am extremely proud to be part of the Bobcat family.”


— Dr. Marla Erbin-Roesemann
School Director and Professor, 
St. David's School of Nursing

Marla Erbin-Roesemann

“I am a third-generation Bobcat and have worked here for ten years now.  My parents met in San Marcos while they were students in the 1960s and it is fun to bring them to events and performances on campus and hear them reminisce about their time here.  I am proud that my oldest child is now a freshman here and represents our family as a fourth-generation Bobcat.  In my opinion, the campus keeps getting more and more beautiful and I think the students will appreciate that for generations to come.”


— Pam Brooks
Administrative Assistant III, 
Department of Management

Pam Brooks

“Texas State has always felt like home to me. As a legacy, alumna, staff member, and current graduate student, I have been able to see all the work that goes into making this university the great institution it is. Everyone is so passionate about what they are doing and is truly here to make a difference. I chose to support the Terry Hernandez Pacheco Endowed Scholarship. My grandmother, Terry Pacheco was a Texas State University (SWT) graduate and served the School of Social Work for many years. She inspired my own academic and career journey here at Texas State. Giving to this fund ensures that her memory is kept alive while also providing scholarship opportunities for students.”


— Charlcee Cervantez
Outreach Coordinator, College of Education

Charlcee Cervantes

“I’ve seen first-hand how scholarships help students. The phrase ‘No amount is too small’ really is true when it comes to helping students complete their degree. Having two daughters who are TXST Alumnus, I know how donations can provide so much support for a student and alleviate a little of their financial burden. Students are important; they are our future, and I am happy that I am able to help by giving to scholarships at TXST.”


— Margie Rodriguez
Senior Administrative Assistant,
College of Health Professions

Margie Rodriguez

“As I embark on a decade of service at TXST, I am reminded daily of my passions and my WHY – student success and impactful college relations. With these two passions in mind, I make it my priority to give to the Coalition of Black Faculty and Staff and the Earl Moseley Jr. Endowed Scholarship funds. Although I was not fortunate to meet Earl Moseley Jr., the stories I hear about him continue to drive my passion of being a light on campus. It is my hope that when my daughter attends TXST – yes, she’ll be a Bobcat – she is a benefactor because of donors like us.”


— Tabitha Walker
Dean of Student Engagement

Tabitha Walker