Ways to Give

Your commitment to serving others by making a gift at Texas State plays a vital role in shaping the university's landscape, from fostering expert leadership and achieving athletic excellence to driving innovative research and establishing academic centers that extend their impact to our community, state, and nation. Your generosity is a cornerstone on which we build a brighter future.


Create a Living Legacy

Perhaps the most influential investment in higher education, endowments create both an immediate and continuing impact. They also elevate the academic caliber of Texas State, giving us the competitive edge we need to draw the highest performing students and faculty to our university.

Faculty member and student looking at computer in research lab
Two students at a table with laptops studying

Estate Planning

Transformative Impact

As a leading public research university, Texas State has made unbelievable strides toward creating life changing impact. When you include us in your estate plan, you create tremendous opportunities for future leaders destined to transform our world.

Corporations and Foundations

From student scholarship endowments to outfitting university labs with cutting-edge technology, corporations and foundations all over the world are showing their support for academic excellence and dynamic research opportunities.

Types of Gifts

Texas State University students have the potential to become the next generation of leaders, making our charge to guide them a high priority. Your giving spirit makes an impact far into the future. We greatly appreciate your donation and commitment to help foster excellence at Texas State.

  • A charitable gift in your will (bequest) is a deferred gift made to Texas State University. It enables you to support the university without reducing your current assets.

    Your legacy gift can be directed to a specific purpose and can be named after you or a loved one. Indicate a specific amount or a percentage of the balance remaining in your estate. Your assets remain in your control and you can modify your bequest if your situation changes.

  • You can honor the memory of a loved one or recognize the accomplishments of a friend, colleague, or family member through a memorial or honorary gift. This is an especially touching and thoughtful way to donate. “In Memory” and “In Honor” gifts may be designated to any college, department, fund, or left for general use through the President’s Excellence Fund.

    When making a gift in memory or in honor of an individual, please provide the following:

    • Area in which the gift is to be designated
    • Name of individual to be memorialized or honored (Include class year if applicable.)
    • Name and address to which any notification of gift should be sent
    • Click the photo to go to the donate page

    Gifts can also be mailed to:

    Texas State University
    Advancement Services
    601 University Drive
    JC Kellam, Room 320
    San Marcos, TX 78666

  • Many employers have matching gift programs and will match your contributions to Texas State University. The impact of your support to Texas State may be doubled or possibly tripled. Many companies also match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.

    Please contact your company’s Human Resources or Benefits office. For information on matching gift companies, contact Texas State’s Advancement Services office at 512-245-3022 or visit our Matching Funds Search page to find out if your company has a matching gift policy.

    Matching gift opportunities also are available for gifts made to the McCoy College of Business through the McCoy College of Business Foundation. Scholarships, graduate fellowships, faculty development, student development and program development endowments are all eligible for matching funds.

  • Gifts-in-kind are items of intellectual property or tangible, personal property such as artwork, musical instruments, books, computer equipment, or furniture. They are donated for related education purposes and should be accompanied by a gift-in-kind donation form, which includes the fair market value as determined by the donor.

    The IRS and the university require that gifts valued at more than $5,000 also have a recent independent appraisal provided by the donor. Acceptance of personal property and subsequent tax deductions depend on the type of item that is contributed and whether the university has an appropriate use for it. For additional information on gifts of personal property or gifts-in-kind, contact any development officer or the Development Office at 512.245.2396.

  • Establishing a pledge is another way to make a commitment to Texas State University. By combining gifts into a multiyear pledge, donors have a greater impact on the future of the university and its faculty and students.

    To make a pledge a donor determines the total pledge amount, designation of the gift, the period of time over which the pledge will be paid, and the frequency of payments. Texas State will send pledge reminders as each payment is due.

    Please request a pledge form, fill it out, and mail it to:

    Texas State University
    Advancement Services
    601 University Drive
    JC Kellam, Room 320
    San Marcos, TX 78666

  • As a leading public research university, Texas State has made unbelievable strides toward creating lifechanging impact. When you include us in your estate plan, you create tremendous opportunities for future leaders destined to transform our world.

    Planned gifts, such as bequests, charitable trusts or other estate gifts, can create opportunities for purposes such as scholarship endowments, research activities, academic programs and other uses. To find out how you can provide for your family and support Texas State, visit our Estate Planning website.

  • Texas State University accepts legal transfer of cash, securities, real estate, or personal property.

    Real Estate

    Texas State University accepts gifts of real property. Real estate gifts are defined as land, its natural resources such as timber, coal, oil, gas and other minerals, and any permanent buildings on the property.

    Examples of real property include:

    • Residential property.
    • Investment property, such as apartments, office buildings and shopping centers.
    • Commercial property, such as industrial parks, hotels and recreational parks.
    • Agricultural land used for the production of livestock or crops.
    • Real estate gifts result in possible charitable income tax deductions, a reduction in estate taxes and a reduction of the capital gains tax. Significant income and estate tax savings can be realized if you make a gift of your home and continue to live there through your lifetime and that of your spouse.

    Securities/Stock Gifts

    Securities are among the most popular assets used for giving. Securities include publicly traded stocks, mutual funds, Treasury notes and closely held stock. Gifts of closely held stock must first be reviewed and accepted by the university. The value of your gift depends upon the market price of the assets when they are given.

    Benefits of Making Gifts of Appreciated Securities
    • You avoid capital gains tax. Any gain is taxable if you sell stock or mutual fund shares yourself, but it is not taxable if you transfer ownership to the university.
    • Your charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes is based on the marketable securities value. Marketable securities value is based upon the average of the high and low quoted selling prices on the date the donor relinquishes control of the assets in favor of the university.
    • You receive gift credit for the market value of the shares but the cost to you is only your original purchase price.

    There can be significant tax advantages for donors choosing to transfer highly appreciated (long-term) securities to the university as a charitable gift. As with any decision involving your assets, we urge you to seek the advice of your professional counsel when considering a gift to Texas State University.

For Faculty and Staff

Bobcats Support Bobcats

It takes all of us to make Texas State the best it can be. When faculty and staff invest in our university through the annual fund drive, that pride and dedication has the power to inspire others to make a gift.

Professor teaching in classroom at McCoy Hall